We serve low and middle income residents of Marin County who are unable to afford the services of a private attorney. In our 33-year history, we have served thousands of clients. In 2017, FACLC served 1,545 clients, almost 1,000 of whom received full legal representation; in the first half of 2018, FACLC served 800 clients, with 665 receiving full legal representation. Ninety-five percent of clients are very-low or low-income; seventy percent are women, and the majority are White (50%) or Latino (37%). Over the past three years, in partnership with Canal Alliance, FACLC has provided specialized family law services required for pursuit of Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) to 175 unaccompanied minors, and expects to serve 75 more SIJS-eligible youth in 2018. FACLC is one of four local organizations that has elected to participate in MCF’s new strategy to expand the provision of immigration legal resources in Marin, and has been designated DOJ Recognized Organization for immigration legal services. FACLC also has two DOJ Accredited Representatives to complement the services it offers to immigrant clients.
“It has been so hard to not have the money to afford a personal attorney and with FACLC I always felt that I got the attention and time my case needed.”