Why work with FACLC?
¿Por qué trabajar con FACLC?
FAMILY & CHILDREN’S LAW CENTER (FACLC) is the only non-profit in Northern California that provides direct legal representation and assistance in matters of general family law, domestic violence restraining order, and Special Juvenile Status cases to Marin County residents.
We offer low cost, income-based sliding scale legal services where clients pay only for appointments charged at their hourly rate.
We offer services in Spanish and English.
Our staff are trained Domestic Violence Advocates.
You may seek legal help from the Self-Help Center at the Marin Superior Court for free, but the Self-Help Center cannot provide legal advice. A private attorney can cost on average $400 and often require a $5000 to $10000 retainer. As a non-profit, FACLC is able to assist you just as private attorney would, but for a fraction of the cost.
We are well-established in Marin County. Established in 1985 by Bonnie Hough (Principal Managing Attorney for the Center for Families, Children & the Courts of the Judicial Council of California), Judge Verna A. Adams (Judge with Marin County Superior Court), and pioneer family law attorney Ann Diamond, FACLC is known for our work supporting survivors of domestic violence, unaccompanied minors, and representing parents and children in general family law matters. For more information about FACLC history, please go to “Mission & History” section of our website.
FAMILY & CHILDREN’S LAW CENTER (FACLC) es la única organización sin fines de lucro en el norte de California que brinda representación y asistencia legal directa en asuntos de derecho de familia general, órdenes de restricción por violencia doméstica y casos de estatus juvenil especial a los residentes del condado de Marin.
FACLC llena este vacío brindando servicios legales de bajo costo y basados en los ingresos, donde los clientes pagan solo por las citas cobradas según su tarifa por hora.
Ofrecemos servicios en español e inglés. N
uestro personal está formado por defensores de la violencia doméstica capacitados.
Puede buscar ayuda legal gratuita en el Centro de autoayuda del Tribunal Superior de Marin, pero el Centro de autoayuda no puede brindarle asesoramiento legal. Un abogado privado puede costar en promedio $400 y a menudo requiere un anticipo de $5000 a $10000. Como organización sin fines de lucro, FACLC puede ayudarlo tal como lo haría un abogado privado, pero por una fracción del costo.
Nosotros estamos bien establecidos en el condado de Marin. Establecido en 1985 por Bonnie Hough (abogada principal del Centro para las Familias, los Niños y los Tribunales del Consejo Judicial de California), la jueza Verna A. Adams (jueza del Tribunal Superior del condado de Marin) y la abogada pionera en derecho de familia Ann Diamond, FACLC está conocido por nuestro trabajo apoyando a sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica, menores no acompañados y representando a padres e hijos en asuntos generales de derecho de familia. Para obtener más información sobre la historia de FACLC, vaya a la sección "Misión e Historia" de nuestro sitio web.
Need Assistance NOW?!
¿Necesita ayuda AHORA?
➤ Fill out an intake form online!
¡Complete un formulario de admisión en línea!
Go to: https://www.faclcmarin.org/how-to-get-help
➤ Call Us! ¡Llámanos!
(415) 492-9230. Leave a message. Deja un mensaje.
➤ Text us!¡Envíanos un mensaje de texto!
(415) 870-6688
Email us! ¡Envíenos!
➤ Come to Our office!¡Ven a nuestra oficina!
1401 Los Gamos Drive, Suite 200, San Rafael, CA 94903.
Hours/Horas: Monday/Lunes through Thursday/Jueves 9am-5pm.
We are closed/Cerramos: 12pm-1pm, and 12-1:30pm on Tuesdays/Martes.
FACLC offers a range of services to assist families who are facing challenging circumstances. Click on the links below to get more details.
Divorce & legal separation
Divorce, also called dissolution of marriage or dissolution of domestic partnership, ends your marriage or domestic partnership.
spousal support
This is the term used for payments from one spouse to another after a divorce for the purpose of maintaining the former spouse's standard of living during the marriage.
Guardianship is when a court orders someone other than the child’s parent to a) have custody of the child; b) manage the child's property; or c) both.
Child Custody & Visitation
When you have children together, you need to decide who will have “custody” of your children and how they will be taken care of.
step-parent adoption
Step-parent adoption means an adoption of a child by a step-parent where one birth parent retains custody and control of the child.
child support
This is the amount of money the court orders one parent to pay the other parent every month for the support of children.
domestic violence restraining orders
A domestic violence restraining order is a court order that helps protect people from abuse or threats of abuse from someone they have a close relationship with.
Special immigrant juvenile status
This allows some youth to get lawful permanent residency when they cannot live with their parents due to abuse, neglect, or abandonment and it is not in their best interest to return to their home country.
“FACLC believed in me when I had a hard time believing in myself.”
Let's Chat.
Please fill out the following form if you wish to contact us. Please keep in mind that we do not offer any legal advice through this form.
If you wish to contact us regarding a specific legal concern, please visit us during Intake Appointment hours. To learn more, please click here.